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Learning how to extend #RStudio by reading books

This post is part of a series of "learning everything with R: An R book list". You can clink on this link to see other relevant posts. RStudio probably is the most popular interface to use R. But it definitely does not just serve as a code editor (thanks to the RStudio team!). Its ability has been extended so much beyond what we can think of. In this post, we would like to tell you how we can extend...

Learning R programming by reading books: A book list #rstats

This post is part of a series of "learning everything with R: An R book list". You can clink on this link to see other relevant posts. Despite R's popularity, it is still very daunting to learn R as R has no click-and-point feature like SPSS and learning R usually takes lots of time. No worries! As self-R learner like us, we constantly receive the requests about how to learn R. Besides hiring...


本文摘述我們與現任國家教育研究院 院長許添明教授、國立東華大學教授吳新傑於台灣一級期刊刊登的結果,主要在討論台灣教育經費適足性的問題,藉由適足性理論去探討是否台灣偏遠地區學校比非偏遠學校需要更多經費。 主要研究發現有以下五點 1. 台灣國際成績表現(PISA)亮眼但城鄉差距拉大:大城市的分數最高且標準差相對較小,而偏遠地方分數較低且標準誤相對較大 2. 平均來說,偏遠地區學生國文、數學基測成績至少低於非偏遠學生10分以上 3. 偏遠地區所需的適足經費,無論是以學生學習成就達基礎級、平均數、精熟級來推估,都一致地高於非偏遠地區所需經費 4. 偏遠地區的教師流動率是非偏遠地區的一倍(6.50% vs. 3.36%) 5. 教師流動率每增加1個百分點,每生支出就會提高0.55%,說明學校因教師流動頻繁將帶來額外支出 研究資料係於 2010 年下半年採用問卷調查取得,針對偏遠與非偏遠國中進行抽測,係採兩階段分層隨機抽樣。依據教育部統計處當時最新的資料,並排除上述四類國中後,公立國中為...

A book list of Learning financial data analysis using R #Rstats #Finance

This post is part of a series of "learning everything with R: An R book list". You can clink on this link to see other relevant posts. As R is more and more popular in the industry as well as in the academics for analyzing financial data. For people unfamiliar with R, this post suggests some books for learning financial data analysis using R. From our teaching and learning R experience, the fast...