R is an open-source software package and rapidly increases its popularity in both industry and academics. Google trend is probably the best tool to show you how popular R is since it allows us to rank the search interest among five major statistical software packages. You can clearly observe that R has been the top search interest since 2011 and continues to maintain its top place.
R is not easy to learn in the beginning, especially for people getting used to some click-and-point commercial software. However, as an economist (also see this post) points out the serious question about the computing with some commercial software, we need to give some thoughts about it and try to use other software to confirm the estimation results. One advantage of learning statistics through R is that you get more vivid images about how to really perform your model with your codes.
A good and cheap way is to use R. So, save you money on software but buy the following book instead. The following books provide readers with their R codes describing how to conduct statistical models with R. These books are displayed in the different sections ordered from easiest to hardest to learn (this order is also applied to book list within the section). Notice that some following books (especially for book title without R) do not teach you how to use R but they provide the codes in the books or their website for you to learn the models. For a more comprehensive R book list, you should take a look at this R website.
R for beginners
R for everyone
Extending RStudio
I have another post to contain the book list for this topic. Please see it here.
Creating applications or software
Programming Graphical User Interfaces in R
Web Application Development with R using Shiny
Probability and Statistics
Discovering Statistics Using R
SPSS could still be the main software in this field and then you must know Prof. Field's book (Discovering Statistics using SPSS). But you want to learn R and you can try his R book as well (Discovering Statistics Using R). The model in these two books are similar but the latter book uses R instead.
Probability and Statistics with R for Engineers and Scientists
Data Visualization
R Graphics
ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis
Business Analytics
Data mining and business analytics with R
Business Analytics
Data mining and business analytics with R
Business Analytics for Managers (Use R!)
Regression Model
A Modern Approach to Regression with R
Applied Nonparametric Econometrics
Monte Carlo Simulation and Resampling for Social Science
Statistical Computing with R
Comparing Groups: Randomization and Bootstrap Methods Using R
Bootstrap methods and their application
An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods with Applications to R
I have another post to contain the book list for R in Finance. Please see it here.
Actuarial Science
Computational Actuarial Science with R
Experimental design
Design and Analysis of Experiments with R
Applied Meta-Analysis with R
Meta-Analysis with R (Use R!)
I have another post to contain the book list for R in programming. Please see it here.
Database Programming Using RData Manipulation with R (Use R!)
Hands-On Matrix Algebra Using R
Reproducible Research
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
Reproducible Research with R & RStudio
Dynamic Documents with R and knitr
This article will continuously be updated and I welcome anyone of you to post your experience here.
Regression Model
A Modern Approach to Regression with R
- Nonlinear Model
Applied Nonparametric Econometrics
Monte Carlo Simulation and Resampling for Social Science
Statistical Computing with R
- Resampling Methods
Bootstrap methods and their application
An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods with Applications to R
I have another post to contain the book list for R in Finance. Please see it here.
Actuarial Science
Computational Actuarial Science with R
Applied Econometrics with R
Hands-On Intermediate Econometrics Using R
Introduction to programming Econometrics with R - Draft
Hands-On Intermediate Econometrics Using R
Introduction to programming Econometrics with R - Draft
- Productivity Analysis
- Economic Theory
Experimental design
Design and Analysis of Experiments with R
Applied Meta-Analysis with R
Meta-Analysis with R (Use R!)
I have another post to contain the book list for R in programming. Please see it here.
Database Programming Using R
Hands-On Matrix Algebra Using R
Reproducible Research
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
Reproducible Research with R & RStudio
Dynamic Documents with R and knitr
This article will continuously be updated and I welcome anyone of you to post your experience here.
Page last updated on 18 Dec. 2016.